In-memory data transformation
Both QlikView and EasyMorph don't require an external database to transform data. Instead, they rely on their own in-memory engines. In QlikView the data transformation part of the engine is single threaded. EasyMorph's engine is multi-threaded but less memory efficient. Both EasyMorph and QlikView use data compression.Mixed value types in one column
Like QlikView, EasyMorph can mix text values and numbers in the same column, which makes it an excellent visual tool for parsing Excel spreadsheets. Although, type system in EasyMorph is a bit different.Transformations in EM are similar to preceding loads in QV
In QlikView's preceding loads one load statement is based directly on the result of another load statement, which sometimes is convenient. Transformations in EasyMorph are somewhat similar to preceding loads in QlikView in that sense that a transformation directly uses the output of its previous transformation as input, without any intermediate (resident) tables. While in QlikView you can't do much in preceding loads -- only calculate new columns, and de-duplicate data (using DISTINCT), in EasyMorph you can use any of 25+ transformations (including filters, sorts, and even joins) in any order. Basically, all transformation process in EasyMorph is designed like super-powerful preceding loads.Little things like the ability to replace existing column with an expression (instead of calculating new column, dropping the old one, and renaming) make life easier. And no annoying script errors because of a missed comma that cause aborting and reloading entire application.
Variables are ubiquitous in QlikView loading scripts and sometimes used up to the point where entire parts of script are replaced with a variable. The closest (although not exact!) analogue to variables in QlikView are project parameters in EasyMorph. Parameters are global. They don't change from transformation to transformation. Parameters can be used in transformations instead of file names and other properties, and also in expressions as constants.Loops and iterations
Loading several files or processing a list of dates can be done using loops in QlikView, or iterations in EasyMorph. Although, the loops are imperative (as is the loading script syntax), while the iterations follow the functional programming style.QVDs
No wonder QlikView can read/write QVD files. But so does EasyMorph. QlikSense QVDs are not supported yet (as of version 1.8) -- we're expecting Qlik to publish a respective API.Calendars
Almost every QlikView / QlikSense application requires a calendar. If you're lucky to use Rob Wunderlich's QlikView Components then calendars might be easy for you. But for EasyMorph users it's even easier as it has built-in Calendar transformation that creates a calendar in a few clicks. See below an example of Calendar transformation, and its result.![]() |
Click to zoom |
Mapping tables
Mapping table is a special temporary two-column table in QlikView. In EasyMorph any table can be a mapping table when it's used in Lookup transformation (equivalent to MAP USING... in QlikView). At this point (ver.1.8) in EasyMorph there is no analogy to ApplyMap function in QlikView.Resident tables
In QlikView you can create new tables based on previously loaded, so called resident tables. In EasyMorph for the same purpose you can use derived tables. A derived table is like a dynamic copy (or view) of another table. It updates automatically if the original table changes. You can derive multiple tables from one table.![]() |
Derived tables in EasyMorph. Click to zoom. |
Keep / Exists
Sometimes it's necessary to filter one table based on values in another table. In QlikView it can be done using either KEEP statement or WHERE clause with EXISTS() function. In EasyMorph the same can be achieved using Keep Matching or Keep Mismatching transformations.Crosstable Load
Unpivot transformation in EasyMorph is the equivalent of CROSSTABLE LOAD in QlikView and can be used for transforming matrix tables into straight tables.Command-line mode
Both QlikView and EasyMorph can be run in command line mode. Both applications allow defining variables (parameters) from command line. Here is EasyMorph's command-line syntax.As you can see there are quite a few similarities. While in general QlikView loading script is more flexible (as you would expect from a programming language), designing transformations in EasyMorph is simpler, faster, and can be done by people without programming skills at all.
To learn more how EasyMorph works take a look at our illustrated PDF tutorials.
PS. One more similarity will appear in future releases -- the analogue of subroutines.
PPS. Totally forgot about resident/derived tables. Now it's 12 similarities :)